Whether you are visiting us for an outdoor veteran event or looking to get connected, we consider it an honor that you are here to spend time looking into your spiritual strength and a greater enlightenment of your faith. We are committed to helping you understand what it means to have strong faith and looking to who created us, why we were created and who gave us grace and forgiveness. Join us in our journey to get closer to Him and to grow in your relationship and understanding of His life-changing message.
We are an outreach ministry for veterans and their families who also serve our communities. Understand that we are created in His image and with a purpose. We teach the foundations of how we were created using the Word that God has given us and bring understanding to ourselves by understanding our six dimensions of wellness that will tie into our spiritual growth. We align ourselves with our brothers and sisters in faith to above all dedicate ourselves to Gods glory and Word and then to honor and to serve the Constitution of the United States of America.